Youth Empowered for Success – Peer Leadership and Service Learning Models

Peer Leadership and Service Learning models

Two distinct models have been adapted that structure the way in which each of the programs function: Peer leadership and Service Learning. Peer Leaders, as defined by Health Resource in Action (HRiA), are young people who commit to promoting healthy behaviors in their communities, particularly among other young people. Service learning, as defined by National Service-learning Clearinghouse, is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities.

Student Leadership Team

The purpose of the Revere High School Student Leadership Team is to engage students to promote healthy life decisions among their peers and to help them develop leadership skills. In order to achieve this goal, teacher advisors are hired to identify and work with 15 student leaders.  Student leaders work in partnership with the advisors to achieve the goals of their respective program. The Student Leadership Team consists of the following programs:

-          Power of Know/Dance Team: POK students work to increase Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drug (ATOD) awareness, advocated for best practices around ATOD policies and enforcement, plan activities outside of school time that offer positive alternatives to ATOD use, and work to increase student connectedness to the school and the community. The Dance Team was established as an alternate way for students to express the POK message. By engaging in physical activity, such as dancing, POK students encourage their peers to refrain from using substances to get “high”. Instead, students should find their “natural high.” by pursuing their gifts and passions.

 -          RHS Connect: RHS student leaders work with other students, staff, community organizations and leaders, as well as Revere CARES to support a positive school climate and to increase students’ connectedness to Revere High School. Most notably, RHS connect leaders administer t a school climate survey to the entire student body and then analyze and present the findings  in order to advocate for changes, influence priorities and activities, and improve school climate.

 -          Green Team/Community Service: The Community Service Club provides students with many opportunities to obtain community service hours and assume leadership roles within Revere High School and the city of Revere. RHS students are in direct contact with the other schools in Revere as well as other community organizations, thus creating partnerships that enhance their social awareness and pride of their community.  The Green Team is an environmentally based community service club that maintains the recycling program in RHS. Green Team members recognize their ability to create a positive change in the community by committing to fulfilling their ideas from inception to completion.